Activity 1: Concept Development

Set aside around one hour for this task

In this activity you will:

  • Identify some problems you’d like to solve
  • Complete the initial steps in the design process e.g. ways to learn about a problem area and your potential users
  • Start to think about what your solution could look like.

What you’ll need:

Note: all activities can be done with pen/pencil & paper but worksheets are available to download.


What is concept development?

Concept development is a term used to describe a range of activities during the early stages of designing a new product or service.

This includes identifying some problems or issues you’re interested in, generating lots of ideas around how you might be able to solve them and then starting to figure out is which idea is strongest.

This is an important part of the design process as it will help you to gain a good understanding of a problem and start to think about ways you could help.

Watch the workshop kindly delivered by Little Mammoth

Test what you've learnt so far!

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Extra resources


(Download the powerpoint slides here.  & editable versions of the worksheets here)

Need some help coming up with ideas?

Use this design toolkit to help you get started.

Learn more about the different design methods

Check out an introduction to service design and a selection of service design tools.